(Image courtesy of David K)
Writer Dabney Frake from Apartment Therapy takes a moment to break down a few of the more popular rules from our childhoods that we may not have understood at the time - but definitely understand now. Keep reading for a quick trip down memory lane.
1. Making Your Bed
Then: Why bother? I’m just going to use it again tonight!
Now: Making your bed every morning correlates with better productivity. It has also been suggested that making your bed boosts happiness.
2. No Wearing Shoes in the House
Then: But I’m going back outside in 10 minutes!
Now: Once you think of the dirt that gets tracked in with every footfall, you also think of all the time you spend vacuuming the floor. Multiply that by all your family members’ shoes, and slippers or bare feet sound like a much better idea.
3. No Television After 10pm
Then: But Mom!?! Fantasy Island is on!
Now: Today, it’s not just TV but phones, iPads, video games and computers. Taking time to detox from tech, especially right before bed, reduces anxiety and helps you sleep better.
4. Turning Off Lights
Then: What’s the big deal?
Now: It’s the little things that add up, and turning off lights when you don’t need them is the first baby step to saving money and energy. It’s a new world of consumption, we have a new mindset about wasting energy.
5. No Elbows on the Table
Then: But it’s more comfortable to sit that way!
Now: Originally, elbows off the table prevented diners from hogging space and minimized the effects of bad hygiene (think stinky medieval times, before regular bathing was a thing). Now, it’s all about sight lines and letting people on either side of you talk without have to lean way, way back in their chairs. Plus, many still think it’s rude, so why offend your fellow guests at a fancy party?
6. Hanging Up Your Jacket
Then: Sorry, I forgot!
Now: A day’s worth of jackets on the backs of chairs, and shoes on the floor, accumulate quickly, which can rapidly turn to a house disaster zone. And, if the mess and clutter don’t stay in check, you can’t focus on the million other things you have to do. Today it makes sense to take a second to hang up your outerwear, and ask others to do the same.
Did your family have any rules you hated, but understand now?
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